Quando questa abitazione a Madrid fu acquistata nel 2015, era in condizioni terribili di abbandono. Era stata utilizzata come residenza studentesca per anni ma poi era rimasta vuota per molto tempo; come tutte le case costruite tra gli anni '60 e '70, era suddivisa in otto piccole stanze e molta parte dello spazio era occupato dal corridoio; grazie all'aiuto di Luis Carretero, dello studio Alacet, la casa è stata completamente e radicalmente trasformata e ne è emerso il grande potenziale.
A radical recovery in Madrid
When this home in Madrid was purchased in 2015, it was in terrible terms of abandonment. It had been used as a student residence for years but then remained empty for a long time; like all the houses built between the '60s and' 70s, was divided into eight small rooms and much of the space was occupied by the corridor; thanks to Luis Carretero's help from the Alacet studio, the house has been completely and radically transformed and its great potential emerged.